Eric Genrich Mayor at City of Green Bay | Twitter Website
Eric Genrich Mayor at City of Green Bay | Twitter Website
The Brown County Tavern League and the City of Green Bay have announced a new shuttle transportation system to accommodate over 75,000 visitors expected during the NFL Draft week. This initiative aims to provide safe and convenient transit options across various routes in the greater Green Bay area. The shuttle service will include stops at local commercial areas, bars, restaurants, and nearly 40 hotels, with an emphasis on reducing drunk driving incidents during the event.
The funding for this shuttle system comes primarily from the Tavern League's SafeRide program, supplemented by additional local support. The goal is to alleviate traffic congestion and improve the overall experience for those attending the draft by ensuring easy access to popular destinations in the region.
A press conference regarding this partnership is scheduled for December 6, 2024, at Stadium View in Green Bay. Speakers at the event will include Tera Hansen, President of the Brown County Tavern League; Don Mjelde, Eastern District Vice President of the Tavern League of Wisconsin; and Eric Genrich, Mayor of Green Bay.